Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What I've learned...

School has been extremely busy- for example, we have 3 exams (2 quizzes, 1 midterm) in ONE SUBJECT alone. Whew! It's been impossible to get 8 or 7 hours of sleep.

Okay, talking aside, it's been awhile since I've invested my emotions in... a guy. It's nothing really big. Some of my friends would notice that I wanted to look pretty (re-touch my make-up, wear nice jewelry), and I'd really plan on things to text him. Until I noticed that he was being too friendly with this other classmate of ours. I started feeling bitter and jealous- and I didn't like it. I talked to God about it... I really did let myself go quite far. I finally realized... that he wasn't much of my type (I like guys with Chinese or chinky looking eyes, smart, creative, and the list goes on). Most of it was really just stupid and flimsy emotions. Because emotions do change very easily.

So the lesson there for me is not to let myself go very far (in relationships).

Okay.. I know. It's a bit shallow, and not really a big deal but I wanted to talk about it here, so there. I do hope though that this can help someone in the future. :)

By the way, I got a 80something prelim grade in Statistics(passing is 65!)! Yeeeaaah!!! XD