Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Summer... is really summer. It's really HOT around here. I've been getting really bad headaches, I would even call it a migraine. The pain is like having your head squished! A week ago, I felt like banging my head on the wall. But I didn't. As much painful as it was, I didn't exaggerate. It hurt- but not to the point of whining. Now I'm starting to feel some of the pain again...

Moving on

I want to change my layout again. It's not that I dislike my current layout in any way. It's not that I'm even tired of it. I think it's the creative person in me. I'm not sure what word to use. But I haven't found any new layout that I feel can replace this one yet.

The thing with blogskins is that there are a few (the popular ones) who are actually very good. Some layouts...look... cheap to me. I'm also picky with images. If I know that the image is stolen from DeviantArt, then I won't use it. I hate it when people steal artwork.

Honestly, I can't wait to get this blog filled! It's exciting!

I also thought about why people want to blog. I think a part of it is it's exciting to have your own space on the internet, and be able to manage and have control of it!

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